American Standard

Voyager 2 Gas/Electric, 12.5-25 Tons, 60/50Hz

Voyager 2 Electric/Electric Cooling, 12.5-25 Tons, 60/50Hz

Voyager 2 Heat Pump, 12.5-20 Tons, 60/50Hz

Voyager 2 with eFlex™ Electric/Electric, 12.5-25 Tons, 60Hz

Voyager 2 with eFlex™ Gas/Electric, 12.5-25 Tons, 60Hz

Precedent™ Cooling and Electric Heat, Standard Efficiency, 6-25 Tons, 60 Hz

Precedent™ Cooling and Gas/Electric, Standard Efficiency, 6-25 Tons, 60Hz

Precedent™ Cooling and Gas/Electric, 3-10 Tons, 60 Hz

Precedent™ Electric/Electric, 3-10 Tons, 60 Hz

Precedent™ Heat Pump, 3-10 Tons, 60 Hz

Precedent™ Cooling and Gas/Electric, 5-10 Tons, 50 Hz

Odyssey™ with Symbio™, R-410A/R-22 Cooling, 50/60Hz

Odyssey™ with Symbio™, R-410A/R-22 Heat Pump, 50/60Hz

Odyssey™ with Symbio™ Air Handler, 50/60Hz